biodegradable plant pots

About Biodegradable plant pots(2)

Biodegradable plant pot advantages


biodegradable plant pots

As well as being environment-friendly, Biodegradable plant pot provide growers a cost-effective solution along with the following advantages:

  • Smaller pots can be used – requiring less potting mix, less nursery space
  • Encourages stronger root systems for healthier, more vigorous seedlings
  • Fast, easy transplanting simplifies nursery operations and cuts labour costs
  • Reduces transplanting shock, meaning fewer plant losses and faster, stronger growth
  • Allows an extended plant pot season
  • Pots do not require a composting situation to biodegrade
  • Organic and biodegradable – zero waste
  • No plastic tubes pots or bags to be collected, cleaned, stored or disposed off after planting.
  • No other container; biodegradable, compostable or plastic, can allow a more natural development of the plant’s root structure.