Biodegradable plastic mixtures offer new options for disposal
How? Imagine throwing your empty plastic water bottle into a household composting bin that breaks down the plastic and produces biogas to help power your home. Now, researchers have taken…
Do you think paper cups and compostable bags are a substitute for plastic? No, you’re wrong.
Paper cups and compostable bags are a substitute for plastic? If you think using paper cups is your solution to beating plastic pollution – the theme of World Environment…
The Side Effects of Bioplastic Production
The Side Effects of Bioplastic Production While bioplastics are generally considered to be more eco-friendly than traditional plastics, a 2010 study from the University of Pittsburgh found that wasn’t…
Bioplastics. Solutions or New Problems?
Solutions or New Problems? When it comes to bioplastics, there are two main forms on the market today: polylactic acids (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). PLA plastics are made from…
The Truth About Bioplastics (Next part)
Types of Bioplastic Bioplastics are currently used in disposable items like packaging, containers, straws, bags and bottles, and in non-disposable carpet, plastic piping, phone casings, 3D printing, car insulation and…